КРАСНОДАР, 13 янв — РИА Новости. Новороссийская транспортная прокуратура подала в Арбитражный суд Краснодарского края два заявления о привлечении к ответственности владельца потерпевшего крушение у берегов Черного моря пермского танкера «Волгонефть 212» ООО «Кама Шиппинг», еще одно исковое заявление подала «Морспасслужба», согласно данным суда.
The text explains you're seeing an "Error 429" (Too Many Requests) on VK because your browser is sending too many requests to their server.
There are a few possible reasons for this:
* Using HTTP instead of HTTPS: This may be triggering a security warning and preventing proper function.
* Cookies disabled: Cookies are necessary for the site to function correctly.
* Incomplete data: The page might be missing essential data, causing it to malfunction.
The text advises contacting VK support for assistance.
Essentially, the main concept is that your browser is interacting with VK in a way that's causing issues, likely due to configuration problems or server limitations. Contacting VK support is recommended for a solution.
The text explains you're seeing an "Error 429" (Too Many Requests) on VK because your browser is sending too many requests to their server. There are a few possible reasons for this: * Using HTTP instead of HTTPS: This may be triggering a security warning and preventing proper function. * Cookies disabled: Cookies are necessary for the site to function correctly. * Incomplete data: The page might be missing essential data, causing it to malfunction. The text advises contacting VK support for assistance. Essentially, the main concept is that your browser is interacting with VK in a way that's causing issues, likely due to configuration problems or server limitations. Contacting VK support is recommended for a solution.